PhD short description

My PhD dissertation is available here and is composed of two parts.

Security evaluation

The first part focuses on the evaluation of cryptographic implementation against side-channel attacks. Defining the security of an implementation was either performed in abstract mathematical models providing (too) strong guarantees or in real world scenario where the conclusions could be biased. Since 2017, I have been working on closing the gap between these two extreme approaches by mixing both concrete power measurements, proofs and sound statistical inference heuristics. This resulted in a new efficient security evaluation methodology that is now publicly available with the open-source library SCALib I have been leading the development together with Gaëtan Cassiers. One of my main contributions is the application of this methodology to one implementation of the French “Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information’’ (ANSSI). It resulted in efficient attacks against ANSSI’s SCA protected implementation.

New secure designs

The second part is dedicated to the design of cryptography implementation. Among others, I have been implementing cryptography for embedded software, FPGA designs and I have been part of the Spook team for the lightweight cryptography competition organized by the American “National Institute of Standards and Technology”.